Saturday, May 22, 2010

7 Factors Needed for a Compost Pile

Compost, made from decomposed grass clippings, leaves, twigs, and branches, becomes a dark, crumbly mixture of organic matter.

Learn how composting works. Even a newbie to composting can make good quality compost. It can be compared to cooking as art or part science. The following 7 factors will help you master the art of composting.

1. Materials
After a time anything that was once alive will naturally decompose. But, not all organic items should be composted for the home. To prepare compost, organic material, microorganisms, air, water, and a small amount of nitrogen are needed.

These items are safe to compost at home:
* grass clippings
* trimmings from hedges
* vegetable scraps
* leaves
* potting soil that has grown old
* twigs
* coffee filters with coffee grounds
* tea bags
* weeds that have not went to seed
* plant stalks

These items are Not safe to compost at home:
* weeds that have went to seed
* dead animals
* pet feces
* bread and grains
* meat
* grease
* cooking oil
* oily foods
*diseased plants

2. What To Do To Make It Work
There are small forms of plant and animal life which break down the organic material. This life is called microorganisms. From a minute amount of garden soil or manure comes plenty of microorganisms.

Nitrogen, air, and water will provide a favorable environment for the microorganisms to make the compost. Air circulation and water will keep the microorganisms healthy and working. The nitrogen feeds the tiny organisms. You may have to add a small amount of nitrogen to the pile.

Putting on too much nitrogen can kill microbes and too much water causes insufficient air in the pile. You just cannot add too much air.

3. Beneficial Microorganisms
Bacteria are the most effective compost makers in your compost pile. They are the first to break down plant tissue. Then comes the fungi and protozoans to help with the process. The arthropodes, like centipedes, beetles, millipedes and worms, bring in the finishing touches to complete the composting.

4. Smaller is Better
The materials will break down faster if the microorganisms have more surface area to eat. Chopping your garden materials with a chipper, shredder, or lawnmower will help them decompose faster.

5. Size of The Pile
The activity of millions of microorganisms generates heat in the compost pile but a minimum size 3-foot by 3-foot by 3-foot is needed for a hot, fast composting pile. Piles that are any larger may hamper the air supply needed in the pile for the microorganisms.

6. Moisture and Aeration
If you can imagine a wet squeezed out sponge with its many air pockets, then this would be the ideal enviroment for the microorganisms in the pile to function at their best. Pay attention while your pile is composting, to the amount of rain or a drought you may have. Water in a drought and maybe turn the pile in a lot of rainy days. The extremes of these two may upset the balance of the pile. The use of a pitchfork would come in handy at this time.

7. Temperature and Time
Keep your pile between 110F and 160F and the beneficial bacteria will love it. Not too cool nor too hot.
The temperature will rise over several days if you keep a good ratio of carbon and nitrogen, maintain lots of surface area within a large volume of material, and maintain adequate moisture and aeration.

-Importance of Compost-

+Compost has nutrients, but it is not a complete fertilizer.

+Compost provides nutrients in the soil until plants need to use them.

+ It loosens and aerates clay soils

+ Retains water in sandy soils.

-Using the Compost-

+ A soil amendment, mix 2 to 5 inches of compost into gardens each year before planting.

+ A potting mixture, add one part compost to two parts potting soil.

+ Make your own potting mixture by using equal parts of compost and sand or perlite.

+ A mulch, prodcast 2 to 4 inches of compost around annual flowers and vegetables, and up to 5 inches around your trees and shrubs.

+ A top dressing, mix finely sifted compost with sand and sprinkle evenly over lawns.

The final thing I would suggest once you have mastered the art of composting is to look very seriously at making your very own aerated compost tea. This elixir will give you results that are hard to believe.

7 Timeless Garden Decor Practices

Are you looking for a way to add to your garden dcor? Want something everlasting, nature-based or stylized? There are many things that you can add to your outdoor living space to make it comfortable and inviting and still provide you with few hours of work on maintenance. Here are 7 ways to add dcor to your garden.

Tip 1: unadulterated Is Best. When adding products outdoors, from furniture to statuary, you should always look towards the most organic of products. When you do this, youll allow for something that fits within the landscape, not something that sticks out in it.

Tip 2: Flow Is Essential. If you have a large garden or landscape, you can create a flow throughout it to make it a much more livable and organic environment. For example, a pathway leading through the garden is important as it provides for a way to move through the area enjoying all of the principle sights along the way.

Tip 3: Overboard Isnt Good. Over crowding a space with too much dcor or even too a multitude of plants is bad business. Instead, look for a more nature-based landscape component. Overcrowding plants can cause them to eventually die or take over the entire garden. To much dcor can make it look cluttered instead of lavish.

Tip 4: Use Lines. Lines from your home or your edging can help to create a lovely look within the garden. The roof line of the house can be a line that leads the eye to something excellent at the end. Use the lines that you have to create a flow to the eye.

Tip 5: Charm Means Theme. While you dont need a specific theme throughout your garden dcor, you should look towards the same or similar offerings. For example, if you place a white metal table under your trees to produce a restful place, make sure that the chairs that go with it match it. Add a white picket fence or other matching pieces to tie certain areas of the garden together as well.

Tip 6: Uphold it. a large amount of of the aspects within a garden are going to need some upkeep. If you pull your weeds, dont let this be overshadowed by the fact that you havent washed that white possessions in a year. Keep up on broken or misplaced items as well. Within the duration of harsh winter months, make sure to put as much as possible in storage that can be broken.

Tip 7: Garden dcor is not done without the look for lovely patio items. Allow it to mesh with the settings that you have created too. For example, in a woodsy area, look towards an organic, lovely product such as teak to keep it looking as if it belongs there.

The aforementioned points can help to contribute to a lovely and fashionable garden dcor that is everlasting, easy to manage and a welcoming place to call your own.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

6 Simple Steps to Becoming A HOT Guitar Player!

Learning how to play guitar well is not easy. There are so
many methods and so many conflicting opinions, it makes
it difficult to know what to do.

But the simple fact is, if you want to be the best you can,
as soon as you can, then all you need to do is - copy what
the pro's do...

Master the Basics!

Mastering the basics means being able to play in all keys.
Being able to transpose any song to any other key - on
the spot preferably.

Did you know that 95% of guitarists DON'T master the
basics. Oh yes, they mean to get around to it, but they
hardly ever do.

Why is that? Well, it's because they think it's boring,
complicated and too much hard work. And most of all - no
fun! And mostly they were right. Well, it needn't be that
way. Mastering the basics can be a lot of fun if you go
about it in a methodical set-by-step way.

What does mastering the basics entail?

There are 6 basic steps you need to follow:

1. Learn the names of all notes on all strings, one string at
a time.

2. Learn how to construct a C Major scale.

Basic must-know guitar theory. Easy stuff.

3. Learn how the chords of the major scale are made and
what they are... their names etc. C Dm Em F G Am Bdim.

Basic chord construction knowledge.

4. Learn the triad patterns for the C major scale all over
the fret board.

Triads are simple 3-note chords. Easy and fun to learn and

5. Learn to play those triads with common chord

Learn to play and apply the triads to the most common
chord progressions that fit thousands and thousands of

6. Learn to do step 5 in all keys.

Once you can do steps one to five in the key of C, it's real
easy to learn it for the other 11 major keys.

Hint: It's much easier than you think. All the patterns are
exactly the same as what you learn for C major. You don't
have to learn any new patterns. Cookie cutter stuff.

It really is not hard at all. All you need is a methodical
step-by-step method that makes sense and is easy and
fun to use.

3 Things You Must Have In Order To Profit From Your Hobby

With over 70% of people who responded to a recent survey revealing that they were thinking about starting a business of some sort, working from home is becoming more the norm than ever before.

The problem for many people is that they don’t really know where to start and how to turn their dream into something tangible.

3 critical things you'll need in order to turn your hobby into a profitable business are -

#1 – A Positive Attitude

By far your biggest asset in turning your favorite hobby into a thriving business is a positive attitude. I think it was Harry F. Banks who said, “Attitude determines your altitude”.

If you are going to pursue your dream and make it a reality, you must have a positive attitude and the willingness to commit to what it takes to make it happen.

So many people start out on the road to turning their hobby into a business, and then at the first sign of an obstacle, they give up, often just before they start to see results.

A positive attitude will help you to break through the barriers and temporary setbacks and reach your desired goal.

#2 – The Determination To Succeed

Many people who fall in love with the idea of turning their hobby into a business are looking for an easy way out and at the first problem, they give up and let circumstances crush their dreams.

By developing a fierce determination to succeed, your chances of creating a profitable business are infinitely higher and you are virtually setting yourself up for success.

While there are not guarantees that you will eventually make it, having the determination to push on regardless of minor problems and find solutions is the mark of a true winner.

Determination and a positive attitude can work together to help a dedicated person succeed where others have failed

#3 – A Proven System

The final and some would say most important thing you’ll need is a proven system for marketing your products and/or services.

You need a step by step process that you can follow to ensure your success; something that other’s have used successfully to achieve the same goal you have.

It’s no use having an incredibly positive attitude and loads of determination if you choose a system that’s flawed and never had a chance of working in the first place.

Look for proof that other people have followed any system you are considering and become successful.

Unfortunately, many people waste money, and more importantly, valuable time, chasing the latest fad or scheme offered by unscrupulous promoters. Most of these schemes haven't agot hope of succeeding, but people fall for them every day.

Don’t ever take the promoter’s word that it will work for you…demand unquestionable PROOF that many people, from all walks of life, have been able to use what he or she is offering to turn their hobby or passion into a profitable business.

When it comes to the system, results are the only thing that matters…

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

“Dog Toys For The Brain, Teeth And Feet”

Thinking of the best toys that suit your dog? Browse through the dog toys below and see what fits your pet and your budget.

For dogs who love to chew:

1. Kong Jump’n Jack

$5.60 (small)
$7.50 (medium)
$8.80 (large)

Kong Jump’n Jack is a dog toy and a teeth cleaner and gum exerciser at the same time. It has a very unpredictable bounce that makes it a lot more fun for the dog to play with. It has a lot more surfaces that clean dog’s teeth. Kong Jump’n Jack also has slits that are useful for the gums to be exercised.

2. Squirrel Dude (Busy Buddy)

$5.99 (small)
$8.99 (medium)
$11.99 (large)

This is a unique and innovative rubber toy. It has four rubber prongs that cover the hole a bit which challenges the dog to give more effort to taste the food treats inside. The Squirrel Dude is durable and very chewable.

3. Biscuit Block (Animal Planet)

$4.50 (small)
$9.90 (medium)

This chew toy has four grabbing chambers distributed throughout the toy. Varieties of dog treats can be inserted inside to keep pets happy and busy. It has a crazy bounce brought about by its square shape with cut corners.

4. Ball Stomp’r (Launch and Throw Ball Toys)

$10.99 (regular, red)
$8.99 (mini, green)

This dog toy enables both young and old to have a great time playing with their dogs. The Ball Stomp’r is the first ball launcher of its kind. The ball needs to be loaded, then stomped on and it will eject to a height reaching 100 feet with the regular ball. The mini Ball Stom’r can reach up to a height of 60 feet. This toy has its own ball but tennis balls are a good substitute. This toy is tough, water proof and very dog friendly. This is not chew-proof though so it should be kept after using. The dimension of a regular-sized Ball Stomp’r is 12 inches in length that uses a tennis ball sized ball. The smaller type is 9 inches long and uses a ball with the size of 2 inches.

4. Dinosaur Egg Baby (Plush Puppies) – Intelligence Building Toy ($6.90)

The Dinosaur Egg Baby has three eggs inside that give out a squeaking sound. It has a secret opening underneath to test dog’s instinct in getting hidden rewards. It is 6 inches in height, 5 inches wide and 12 inches long.

Toys that exercise dogs, cleanse their teeth, rejuvenate their jumping ability and test their intelligence. A complete set of these toys would definitely make owners be much more loved by their pets.

'Sit Up' Buddy: Training Your Dog To Sit Like You

The trick of “sitting up” is easily taught to small dogs, but should try not be included in a big dog’s education, as it is difficult for them to preserve their balance.

The training of sitting up is one of the first tricks to teach and forms the groundwork for many other dog tricks. To train a dog to sit up, prepare some treats as a reward, and set your dog on his haunches in a corner, so that he cannot fall either backward or sideways and has very little or no space to lose balance.

Keep him from pitching forward by holding one hand under his chin and with the other hand hold the treat above his nose and keep repeating distinctly and deliberately say, “sit up.” Do not make him sit up too long at any one time, but repeat the lesson frequently and reward him often with plentiful of praise and treats.

During his first lesson he will require considerable assistance from your hand to prevent him from pitching forward, but as he gets control of the balancing muscles and understands what you want, he will depend less and less upon your hand to keep him in position and you can gradually render him less assistance until you will only have to keep one hand in position two or three inches from his neck or chin, so as to be ready to prevent him pitching forward; later on you can withdraw this hand entirely and simply hold the treat just above the level of his head.

By constant practice he will sit up well after you set him up; then he should be set up against the wall, so as to afford him a support for his back only, and after he has been well schooled at this and can keep his position easily, practice him against chair legs, cushions or other objects that afford him less and less assistance, until finally he learns to preserve his balance and sits up without anything to lean against.

During all these lessons the words “sit up” have been impressed upon his mind by frequent repetition, and now comes the final lesson to teach him to sit up as soon as he hears the words, and the chances are, if he has been diligently drilled, it will be necessary only to call him out in the room, show him a treat, hold it up a suitable distance from the floor, say “sit up” and he will do so, when he should be given the treat while still in position.

The only necessity to perfection is to practice him several times a day until he will sit up at the word and without being shown a reward; that can be given him after he has obeyed.

You have now a foundation for many other tricks. He can be taught to beg by moving your hand up and down just in front of his paws, which he will move in unison with yours. He can also be taught to salute by bringing one paw up to the side of his head, or to hold a wooden pipe in his mouth, or to wear a cap on his head or other articles of wearing apparel.

In teaching a dog to submit to being dressed up, do not attempt to get him to wear too many things at once; try him at first with a cap and after he becomes accustomed to that you can put on a coat and gradually accustom him to the other clothing articles.

Enjoy teaching your dog the “sit up” trick and most importantly have fun along the way!

'On Trust' & 'Paid For': One of the Oldest Dog Tricks that Never Fail to Entertain

“On Trust” & “Paid For” for are one of the oldest dog tricks that afford as much entertainment as anything a dog can do since the early 1900s. It is not the easiest trick to be taught but can be elaborated on and presented in several different forms to impress most people.

To teach this trick call your dog to you, allowing him to stand up or sit down, as he desires, and hold his head steady with on hand, while you balance a piece of treat on his nose.

Say to him, “On trust, on trust,” steadying and restraining his head from moving with one hand and holding up a threatening finger with the other and repeating the words, “On trust, on trust”.

After which, release his head, saying “paid for,” and give him a little chuck under the chin, that will cause him to toss the treat up and catch it. Of course, in his earlier attempts he will not be able to catch the treat, but he should be allowed to eat the treat after it land on the floor.

Continuous repetition of this training will produce efficiency. Over time you should stop restraining his head with your hand and allow him to balance the treat on his nose until you give him the words “Paid for.”

He can also be taught also to hold the treat between his teeth and not to swallow it until told to do so. This trick can be made more impressive by holding a conversation with your dog. For instance, you might say: “Buddy, old man, here is a very yummy piece of treat, but it is ‘on trust.’”

Slightly emphasize the word “trust” and then go on and say: “I am glad you dislike to eat things on trust, but this I have just learned has been ‘paid for,’” emphasizing the words “paid for.”

Your dog can also be taught to toss the treat on hearing a certain number. To teach this, balance it on his nose and hold his head while you count plainly and deliberately, one, two, three, and then chuck him under the chin. Until he has had a great deal of practice he will toss it up as promptly at one, two, four, as he will at one, two, three, but he must be drilled until he will not toss it until he hears “three,” and it will make it easier for him if you slightly emphasize the “THREE” word.

In time you can use many combinations of figures and he will wait until he hears the emphasized “three.” In working him do not make him wait too long before you say “three,” and allow him to eat the treat.

“Trust” and “Paid For” dog tricks are considerably difficult to master and requires plenty of patience from you. Remember, do not punish your dog if he can’t master the trick, and rather blame yourself for being a lousy teacher. :-) In any case, enjoy training and have lots of fun along the way.

Adjusting To An Aging Mind

As our brains age, we're less likely to think as quickly or remember things as well as we used to. Research is now showing how the brain changes and adapts with age. You can use what we've learned and follow a few simple tips to help remember things and avoid scams.

Dr. Denise C. Park, director of the Roybal Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Illinois, explains that the knowledge we gain from life experience can sometimes compensate for other changes in our brains as we age. Older professionals can often be better at their jobs than younger ones. "Your memory may be less efficient," Park says, "but your knowledge about how to do it may be better."

Researchers can design tests that expose problems in the aging mind by creating tasks in which older adults can't use their experience. These tests reflect real-life situations like getting upsetting medical news or having a crafty scam artist pressure you for an answer.

One key to dealing with situations like these, Park says, is not to make rash decisions. Ask for further information and more time to consider. Discuss it with friends or relatives.

Perhaps the most common trouble people face as they age is remembering things. Park says it's important to acknowledge that your memory is fallible. "For medicines, driving directions or other things with specific details, don't rely on your memory," she says. "That's good advice for everybody, but especially for older adults." If you need to remember something important, write it down on a pad or use an electronic device like a personal digital assistant (PDA) that lets you store notes and reminders.

Another way to remember things is through routines. Take your medicine with a snack or a particular meal, for example. Always keep your keys and wallet in the same place.

You can also use your imagination. If you imagine doing something beforehand, Park says, you're much more likely to do it. So, for example, imagine taking your medicine in as much detail as you can, paying attention to where, when and how.

Practice can help, too. Rehearse talking to a salesperson. Visit somewhere new in advance.

Keeping your brain active with activities that require mental effort, such as reading, may help keep your mind sharp. Staying physically active may help, too.

A Grandparent’s Guide To Choosing Age Appropriate Toys

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 1.3 million children are entrusted to their grandparents every day. Roles of a grandparent include spoiling and enlightening their grandkids with toys they will enjoy. After all, toys are considered to be treasures of childhood. With this role comes an added responsibility to make sure that grandchildren stay safe and enjoy a toy that is age-appropriate. Grandparents make up a large percentage of toy buyers. Thousands of toys are marketed with the promise to educate and entertain kids. Unfortunately, not every toy is safe for children to play with. What can a grandparent look for when purchasing a toy for the kids that they love?

Most pediatricians and child experts believe there are a lot of hidden hazards concerning toys that people should be made aware of. Here is a guide that grandparents can use when it comes time to buy a distinctive toy for that special little person:

* Make sure the toy is age-appropriate. Labels on toy packaging should specify the age group the toy is made for. Consider that children at any age have different maturity levels. You may want to avoid buying a toy that won’t hold the child’s attention. Make sure to buy educational toys that match every child’s age group. This will make the toy effective and fun to play with.

* Read and follow all warning labels. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission or CPSC, choking is the most common cause of toy-related deaths. Warning labels are made to alert if a toy poses a choking hazard for younger children, typically under the ages of three. Federal law requires these labels. Make sure toys made for older children are kept out of the reach of younger children. Objects such as balls should not be less than 1.75" in diameter. Avoid toys that have small parts that can potentially be pried off by tiny curious hands. Examples of toys that contain small parts are stuffed teddy bear’s eyes or a wooden car’s wheels. Stuffed and wooden toys are still very popular among children; just think BIG when checking out the “parts” attached to the toy. Toys should be larger than the child’s mouth. Tip: if a toy or toy part can fit inside an empty toilet paper roll, chances are the toy is too small. This would not be a safe toy. If a toy contains small parts, parts should be secured and guaranteed not to come off.

* Make sure toys are free from sharp and pointy edges. As an experienced mother or father, you are probably aware, small children have a tendency to put most things in their mouth. It is important toys are free from sharp edges as to avoid cuts and injuries. There may be danger of a child falling on top of a toy while playing. To avoid injuries, make sure pointy edges are buffered or eliminated,

* Avoid LOUD toys. Children’s ears are highly sensitive and hearing can easily be damaged by loud noises. In order to find out if a toy is too loud, use your own ears as a tool. If the toy is too loud for you, it’s twice as loud for the child. You can choose to take out batteries of the toy or cover speakers with tape. This method is not preferred since tape can be pulled off and the child can swallow it.

* Make sure toys are free of toxic chemicals. Toys such as art supplies, play make-up and crayons have been known to contain toxic chemicals. Before making a purchase, investigate ingredients and contents of the product by looking at the label. The same label should also provide instructions on what to do in case of accidental ingestion of any hazardous substance that the item might contain. It may be wise to consult your local poison control to use as a reference if you need one.

* Some toys come with cords or strings. If a cord or string is longer than 12 inches in length, it can pose a strangulation hazard if looped. Never cut an electrical cord! Make sure electrical cords or wires are secured and protected. Make sure to supervise if an electrical toy needs to be plugged into an outlet. Battery-operated toys are preferable to purchase, especially with young children around. However, battery doors need to be checked frequently to make sure they are secured and cannot be opened. If strings have been cut, make sure frayed edges are cut also. When purchasing crib mobiles, make sure the mobile can be safely mounted high on the crib and out of babies’ reach.

* If you choose to purchase a toy over the Internet there are a few things that you should be aware of: Internet sold toys may not comply with U.S. Toy regulations. Auction sites may sell toys that have been recalled by the CPSC. This could be due to the fact the toys were hazards to children’s safety. If you happen to come across a recalled toy, or you would like to see what toys have been recalled, there are web sites available to you. CPSC or provides sites with helpful information.

* Supervise and be realistic about your grandchild’s abilities and maturity levels. Ask yourself the following questions: Is the child physically ready for a certain toy? Is the toy too heavy? A heavy toy can cause severe injury if the toy falls on the child. Gauge if the child can physically control a heavy toy. Teach the child the safest way recommended by the manufacturer to use the toy properly. Again, SUPERVISE!

* Follow these tips when buying video games: follow age recommendations of each game and observe a game’s ratings. Games rated T for Teen can contain violence, profanity and content not suitable for children under the age of 13. EC for early childhood or E for everyone would be the best choice of rating when buying a video game for younger children.

* Remember the days when you would buy toys for your children? How many dollars have we spent to watch our children and now our children’s children go to the kitchen cupboard, pull out all the pots and pans and wooden spoons and bang away and be happy for hours at play? Or grandparents made or bought wooden toy vehicles and wood constructed pull toys that were safe and entertaining. Maybe all the banging of pots and pans is no longer a situation we wish to experience but fun and educational wooden toys are still available.

There was a time when toys were put on the market and bought without a lot of regard for safety. Grandparents could buy any toy that surely the grandchildren would enjoy without considering if the toy was age-appropriate. It was assumed that kids were thought to have the automatic knowledge not to pick up monopoly money and put it in their mouth. Slinkys were toys made to “walk” down your closest set of stairs. Who knew kids would start to use the Slinky as a rope from which to hoist their little brothers up to the highest treetop? Times have changed. So many toy accidents have taken place, it is now important to teach kids and grandparents the importance of toy safety. The most exciting thing about being a grandparent is watching grandchildren grow up happy and healthy. By becoming vigilantly aware shoppers, grandparents have the power to protect the grandchildren they love.

9 Quick Tips To Buying A Stair Lift

Stair lifts provide more than just a means of getting from the downstairs floor of a house to the upstairs - they also represent mobility and independence to an ageing generation.

As time goes by, it is only natural that we find certain everyday activities, such as climbing the stairs, becoming increasingly difficult. For someone with limited mobility due to injury, disability or chronic diseases such as arthritis and angina installing a stair lift is a low-cost common sense solution.

And with today's advanced technology nearly every home can be fitted with a stair lift, even if it has a curved staircase. Before you go ahead and purchase your stair lift make sure you use a professional and approved company with experience in this field.

Here is a quick and easy stair lift buying guide:

-- If you are unsure about what kind of stair lift is suitable for your home get some independent advice from the Occupational Therapy Department of your local social services.

-- Ask questions about the models that a company sells.

-- Read sales literature and brochures, find out about the different brands of stair lifts and the models available.

-- Get several quotes from different companies, but make sure they are for the same or 'like for like' models before comparing the prices.

-- Make sure the quote covers the supply AND fitting of the stair lift.

-- If you have a curved staircase, ask the company to assess your staircase and give you a personalised quote.

-- Compare also the after sales service. What happens if your stair lift breaks down? Are you covered for repairs and maintenance or do you have to pay out extra for a service contract?

-- If you are thinking of purchasing from a non-manufacturer, check that the company is an approved supplier, otherwise they may not be able to obtain spare parts.

-- And never buy a stair lift from someone who tries to make you buy that day or is pushing a certain stair lift on you. Salespeople are paid to clench deals and will often discount the price heavily to secure the sale - but the model they want you to buy may not be right for you.

If you are considering having a stair lift in your home the website below contains free information and impartial advice on this topic.

You will find that installing a stair lift will give you access to the whole of your home with ease, comfort and convenience. It is also a much more cost effective when compared to the cost of converting your existing home having or having to relocate to a single storey accommodation.

1,000 Safe, Natural, And Effective Veterinary Secrets To Healing Your Pet

Most people do not know how to treat their pets when their pets needs them most. Surprisingly, alot of people do not even have the education or knowledge on how to care for their pets. The pet's life might be endangered if the owner do not has the knowledge. For example: If pets suffers from the aches and pains of old age and arthritis or it swallows household poison like chocolate, do the owners know how to deal with it? Most of the time the answer is "NO" as they are cluless on what to do next. So the next best action that a owner can do is to educate themselves better on how to care for their pets.

If you have the knowledge, you will be able to

-- Instantly decide on a course of action for your ailing pet - so you can ease pain and start treatment immediately.

-- Easily afford natural and effective remedies regardless of your financial situation so your pet doesn't have to go without treatment.

-- Quickly diagnose your sick or injured pet - so you can instantly know if you can administer care yourself or if you should seed medical help immediately.

-- Immediately begin regimens that have been proven to halt and or prevent diseases such as cancer and diabetes - so your pet can live a long and healthy life with you.

If the owner has very little knowledge and they are too dependent on vet as vet is the owner's only option , the pet will suffer because sometimes per owners

-- Delay bringing their pet in for treatment because the pet becomes ill after hours
-- Rely exclusively on harsh drug treatments because they (and their vets) are unaware of effective, gentle, natural ways to treat their pet.
-- Discontinue treatment for chronic illnesses because it's complicated or expensive
-- Aren't able to afford an office visit and or follow up treatment.

Most pet owners have no idea how to perform CPR, or even begin to give basic medical care to their pet. But you should know these things, because in some emergencies, you can't always get to the Vet in time.

And that is why it is so important for everybody who loves and cares for a pets to have the appropriate information. It might even saves your pet's life one day.

So the questions now is where to get the education and correct information?

You would have to pay hundreds of dollars to assemble enough books to cover all aspects of treatment in this one eBook. Books focusing on dogs, on cats, on behavior problems, chronic illness, and even trauma.

Then, you'd have to find books on herbal remedies - presuming you already know which are safe for dogs and which for cats and which could cause complications (including death).

Add to your cart books on dental health, acupressure, and homeopathy.

So it is very expensive and time consuming. So how? And what can I do? I really love my pet and I want to learn stuffs that can help my pet.

Dr. Andrew Jones who himself is a vet has compile all the informations that owner needs into one e-book at a very affordable price. He has practiced Veterinary Medicine for over a decade. Over the past 12 years he has treated thousands of pets for a variety of problems, and currently own the Nelson Animal Hospital in Nelson BC, Canada.

So if you really want to learn the correct information because you love and care your pet so much, or you want to know more detail, Please click on the link below in the Resource Box to see it.

"Daddy, Can I Have A Puppy?"

Sooner or later, every parent is likely to hear: "Please, can I have a puppy?"

Rather than dodge the question, parents should consider whether their family is ready for a pet, says Sharon Bergen, senior vice president of education and training for Knowledge Learning Corporation, the nation's leading provider of early childhood care and education.

Bergen suggests that parents weigh the pros and cons of adding a pet to the household before agreeing to a child's request. "A pet can teach children responsibility and become a wonderful addition to a family-or it can be a burden," she says. Bergen recommends families consider the following before deciding.

Who will care for the pet? Families should agree beforehand who will be responsible for feeding, walking, bathing and cleaning up after the pet.

Do you have space for a pet? Families living in apartments or townhouses may prefer a cat, a bird or fish, rather than a Labrador retriever. Check the library or Internet to learn more about different types and breeds of pets to determine the one most suitable for your family.

Owning a pet is time consuming and may be expensive. Family members should realize that they may have to give up other activities to properly care for a pet. If the prospect seems too daunting, parents may suggest waiting until the child is old enough to help care for an animal.

Bergen recommends the whole family meet the animal before deciding to take it home. Owning a pet is a long-term commitment, so think carefully before adopting a furry new family member.

“Basic Principles In A Dog Lovers Club”

There are lots of dog lovers clubs in the US that offer a lot more for both the dog lovers and their dogs. Here are some of them.

The American Kennel Club has a dog lovers sections called “For the Love of the Purebred Dog”. This article is more than a canine purebred section. It is dedicated to living at home with dogs. This dog club gives informative and educational materials pertaining to pet care, training, nutrition and a lot more. It also includes funny stories, art, pet history and the more popular Companion Animal Recovery method. There are also more popular sites like the dog breeds and events page.

The American Mixed Breed Obedience Registration or (AMBOR) on the other hand was created in 1983 with the objective of taking into accounts the perseverance and accolades in obedience contests of mix breed dogs and handlers. This dog lovers club also gives support and inspiration to dog handlers.

Important Information for Members:

1. Mixed-breeds

Unlimited full membership is open to handlers and owners of mixed-breed dogs as long as the pet is spayed and nails are cut. There should be front and side photo shots of the dog that will be included in the application. This is the ticket to all the obedience and agility programs, automatic tabulation in the agility and obedience nationwide ranking system. This also includes a given eligibility for the annual awards.

This achievement will be given honor in AMBOR highlights (AMBOR’S newsletter) and on the website. The member will be eligible to any agility and obedience national competition in the future. Dogs with assigned numbers are marked as purebred and should be enlisted as a purebred. Also, dogs that are listed as mixed-breeds that are given a number based on the owner’s application causes its membership to be changed to a status of a purebred.

2. Purebreds

Purebred dogs can be listed with AMBOR with a rule that entry is limited to the AMBOR-supported agility program. All dogs that are purebred, listed with AMBOR and exhibits AMBOR-supported programs on agility will have competition points monitored and there will be an automatic issuance of certificates.

Dogs that are purebred and listed with AMBOR are not qualified to be a part of the agility and obedience scoring systems. They will also not be included in the website on highlights and not qualified for any mixed-breeds national competition in the future.

Handlers that register to the AMBOR-supported trials on agility should put their AMBOR number on the form at the club’s entrance so that competition points will be monitored.

"Safety First" Tips For Water Fun

There may be few better ways to spend a hot day than at the beach, lake, water park or swimming pool but amid all the fun and games it is important to put safety first.

Learning to swim and be safe in and around the water are important survival skills. Accidents only take a few seconds to occur, but they can often be prevented by ensuring your loved ones follow simple water safety guidelines.

Pioneers in swimming instruction and water safety, the nation's YMCAs are celebrating 100 years of group swimming instruction to children and adults. The YMCA offers these tips to help keep you and your loved ones safe in and around the water during the summer and at any time of year:

• Make sure children are supervised by an adult at all times.

• No one, not even adults, should ever swim alone.

• Be prepared in an emergency by learning lifesaving, first aid and CPR techniques.

• Always have a stocked first aid kit, phone, emergency numbers and sunscreen close at hand.

• Follow the posted rules in any water environment.

• Backyard pools should have posted rules, ring buoy and security fences with self-closing gates and childproof locks.

• If you have an above-ground pool, secure and lock the steps or remove them completely when not in use.

• Be aware of water depth, incline and any underwater obstructions before diving. Never dive in water less than nine feet deep.

• Children should use U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets. Avoid inflatable toys including armbands or "swimmies"-they can be dangerous, giving a false sense of confidence.

• And finally, everyone should learn swimming and basic water safety skills. The YMCA offers swimming classes for all ages and levels.

'No Child Left Behind': What it Means for Parents

The No Child Left Behind Act is a landmark education reform law that is already improving academic performance across the land. One of its chief aims is to close the troubling achievement gap that separates many disadvantaged, disabled and minority students from their peers.

To do this, it measures student performance and focuses extra resources and attention on those most in danger of falling behind. But what about the schools themselves?

Under No Child Left Behind, schools that receive federal funds to help teach and prepare educationally disadvantaged children must make what is called "Adequate Yearly Progress" in reading, language arts and mathematics. These clearly defined benchmark goals, which will be raised over time, have been put in place by each of the 50 states based upon what is appropriate for their local school districts.

If a school does not reach its annual goals, it is given extra assistance and another chance. If it again does not succeed the following year, the school is deemed "in need of improvement." Extra resources are provided to the school, and new options and choices are provided to its students and parents.

As states release their lists of schools that underperformed over the last school year, parents should be alert to their school's status. They may be eligible for free tutoring or after-school classes for their children, or entitled to choose another public school that better meets their needs.

Parents of children in schools deemed "in need of improvement" should contact their local school officials to find out if their children are eligible for these and other services.

If a school continues to underperform for five or more years in a row, school officials must develop and implement a two-year plan to turn around the school. The local school district will ensure that the school receives needed technical assistance as it develops and implements its improvement plan.

Parents who get involved - by enforcing attendance, supervising homework and setting academic goals - are less likely to see their children left behind in school. Ways that parents can help their child's school succeed include:

* Attending parent-teacher meetings to address academic or discipline problems.

* Participating in school board meetings.

* Volunteering to serve during school hours or in extracurricular activities.

* Encouraging other parents to become involved.

* Tapping into community or private-sector resources.

* Learning about No Child Left Behind and how it can benefit their child.

"Clean Your Plate" Is Not Always The Way To Go For Healthy Kids

According to obesity researchers, the United States obesity rate has more than doubled for preschoolers and adolescents-and more than tripled for ages 6 to 11-over the past 30 years. Obese children are at greater risk for health problems such as diabetes and heart disease, and often carry these problems into adulthood.

So, how do parents help children, and the entire family, eat healthier, both at home and away-from-home?

"Talk to your pediatrician, family doctor or registered dietitian to determine the healthiest weight goals for the entire family," said nutrition expert Jenifer Bland-Campbell, "then make a plan to tackle the issue."

She offers these tips to help parents help their families eat more healthfully:

• Eat at least one meal together daily, at regular intervals to discourage snacking.

• Prepare healthy dishes for the whole family, not just special foods for an overweight child.

• Don't use food as a reward, comfort or punishment.

• Watch portions. "Clean your plate" is not always the way to go.

• Eat slowly. It takes almost 20 minutes for the brain to register that the body is full.

• Encourage water or skim or 1% milk instead of high-calorie, sugary drinks.

• Getting kids to eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits each day will not be easy, but focus on the colors to make it more fun. Visit for more tips.

• Use low-fat or fat-free dressings, mayonnaise and dairy items at home as if they are the full-fat versions. Kids will take your cues. Ask for the same items on the side when eating away-from-home.

• Take the stairs. When you go shopping, park the car farther away from the store and walk.

• Limit television, video games or computer time.

• Replace mayonnaise and cheese on burgers or sandwiches with catsup, mustard or barbecue sauce.

• Stick with items that are baked, broiled, steamed or poached-not fried.

• Ask for nutritional information when eating out.

• Look beyond the children's menu, often limited to fried, high-calorie, high-fat foods. Split one healthier adult entrée between two children.

• Ask for a takeout container and put some of the food in before you eat.

• Ask that bread, beverages and tortilla chips be served with the meal, not beforehand.

"Parents can help children reach wellness goals by first making healthy changes at home, then teaching kids what to do away from home," said Bland-Campbell. "Healthy eating does not happen overnight, but children take cues from their parents and will learn behaviors over time."

Bland-Campbell is a registered dietitian with ARAMARK, a company that manages food service programs at businesses, colleges, hospitals, and approximately 4,000 schools across the country.

You can find research on the away-from-home nutritional preferences of Americans at ARAMARK'S Web site, There, parents can find their own dining style and receive tips from dietitians on more ways to eat better.

A Baby Gift Basket Can Be A Perfect Present

When a close friend or relative is having a baby, there are always presents and baby shower gifts to think about getting. The new mother is going to have an intense period of adjustment before she gets settled into the routine of having another human being to look after, so she will need all the help possible from family and friends to make that transition as easy and memorable as possible. This should be a celebratory time for the new family, not a time of worry or stress, and a gift basket to commemorate the new addition can be just the thing to brighten their spirits even more, and maybe even supply them with some things that will end up coming in handy.

A baby gift basket can be one of the easiest way for you as the gift giver to be creative, and show the person your giving it to just how much you care about them. Instead of one big gift, you get to give out a plethora of trinkets, toys, and other fun items, wrapped together in a beautiful package which, in itself, can be a gorgeous thing to receive. A popular thing to do when buying a gift basket is to let the company who makes it fashion the wicker basket as a bassinet, within which are all the things you want to bestow upon the new child, making your gift all the more thoughtful and appropriate. Better yet, there are so many companies out there that are experts at making these sorts of things, so even if you’re not exactly Martha Stewart yourself, you can let an anonymous craftsperson make it seem like you should have your own cable show.

Within the gift basket, you’ll want to include the basics, those simple bare necessities. This means, teddy bears and or dolls are a given, as any parent will know a young child can never have enough teddy bears. If you want to be gender specific, you can go for the standard pink or blue color palettes to appease notions of femininity and masculinity, but many people nowadays are shying away from such black and white notions of sex, so your best bet is probably to stay as neutral as possible. This also means that you can go nuts and include just about anything in the toy department that you want to give the new baby. No longer do Tonka trucks mean ‘it’s a boy’ nor do Raggedy Ann dolls indicate the infant is a girl, so take advantage of this freedom in creating a truly unique and baby gift basket. Baby oil or baby wipes can be the new parent’s dream as well, since they’ll surely be running through plenty of both, so don’t be afraid to include the practical as well as the sentimental.

In addition to the variety of contents you can include in your basket, you also have the luxury of having a wide range of prices and sizes to choose from, as crafting gift baskets for babies is a burgeoning market right now baby. Obviously, if the expecting mother is only a co-worker or a casual acquaintance, you don’t want to present them with an elaborately fashioned and ornately packaged baby gift basket, as you’d probably be shelling out more money than you really want to spend. A nice, small gift basket can say everything you want to say, and do it in a classy, memorable way, without costing you the proverbial arm and leg.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

7 Themes for Baby Shower

It is always an immense joy to have someone added to your family, especially if it is a cute little baby. And how else would you celebrate the joy of having one? Plan the most fun and unique baby shower you’ll ever have. Preparing for a baby shower should be fun and exciting. You can be as creative as you want. Go simple or go real extravagant. As long as you will make your party special and unforgettable, you can go ahead and experiment on the different themes you can have.

You can go traditional or get a little creative and make your baby shower a lot more unique. You can spice up the party with different themes that can either be serious, adorable or humorous.

Below are some popular themes ideas that would definitely be a hit in any baby showers.

Fairytale Themes
There are thousand of fairytale characters that have been a tradition throughout baby shower parties. Cinderella and Snow White are the most common ones for girl. Peter Pan is the most suitable character for boys. This kind of theme can be made interesting with colorful decorations and creates a fantasy- like atmosphere.

Baby bottles theme
You can have a baby bottle as your centerpiece in this particular theme. Use them as cute containers for game prizes. You can make fun of them too by using baby bottles as cups or mugs.

Teddy bear theme
Everyone loves these cuddly teddies. They are perfect for decorations. You don’t have to buy teddy bears though to fill up the room. Old but presentable ones will do. It would be memorable to have the guest of honor’s favorite teddy as a centerpiece.

Diaper theme
Begin with sending cute diaper cut- out invitation. Guests should bring their own diaper gifts with a particular size. This way, you can save on diapers even up to three months!

Nursery rhyme theme
It’s a good idea to make nursery rhymes as theme for your party. You can make use of famous character like Humpty Dumpty, Little Bo Peep, or the famous Mother Goose. Pictures could be nice as decorations but it would really look nice if you have some kind of a replica. You can also add on some of the line to your invitations.

Themes for twins
Remember the famous Noah’s ark story? All animals are paired in two’s when lodging the ark. It’s the perfect theme for expectant mothers of twins. Don’t forget to note in your invitation that you will be having twins, this way; guests will have to bring two gifts of either the same kind or two different ones.

Color themes
The usual color themes for girls are pink and blue for the boys. These are simple themes that can be just as fun as other themes. Decorate your venue with your chosen color theme. In putting up colored ribbons, intertwine them with a white ribbon too. This would give the room an elegant look. If you are unsure whether your baby would be a boy or a girl, settle for neutral colors like green or yellow.

Having a theme in your baby shower can add a little more coordination in the things you need to prepare. A theme would dictate which kind of food you need to prepare, the look of the invitations and how you would decorate your chosen venue. With a theme, you would have to be groping in the dark on how you would create that wonderful baby shower.

If you need more details, Baby Showers Revealed normally sells for $47.77, but you get an instant $27.00 rebate. So, you can get it at a discounted price of $19.97 for a limited time only. If you are not satisfied with this product, there is a 100% Money-Back Guarantee for 90 days! Along with this book, a 5-part e-course on baby showers is also available for a limited time only. You can order at

5 Tips On Looking After Newborn Babies

Caring for your baby is certainly one of the most important things you need to consider once you became a new parent. There are many things you need to take into account in order to make sure that your baby gets all the attention.

1. Make sure that you feed your baby right. Deciding on whether you should breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby greatly depends on your personal decision and what your physician recommends. However, it has been shown that breastfeeding is still the best way to nourish newborn babies. Lots of benefits can be obtained through breastfeeding. Some medical studies have determined that breastfed infants have less hypersensitivity later in life compared with those who were raised with bottle feeding. This is mainly because the mother’s milk is known to contain natural enzymes and antibodies that can help fortify the baby’s immunity against infirmities. Aside from this, some doctors also believed that breast milk is responsible for superior intellect as he/she grows and becomes fully developed.

2. Practical sleep aid tips for infants. Sleep is crucial for babies because it has a direct effect on the child’s mental and physical growth. Newborn babies sleep for up to 17 and 18 hours a day. Parents should understand that babies sleep cycle could be pretty erratic. You may notice for a few weeks, your baby’s sleep may only last from approximately 30 minutes to 3 hours, and this can vary throughout a 24 period. But by the sixth week, you should see some signs of improvement as your baby’s sleep pattern becomes more structured. Newborns show signs of sleepiness by crying or rubbing their eyes. Newborns should be put down to sleep as soon as they feel sleepy. If you are not getting much sleep at night it may be a good idea to sleep when your baby does during the day if possible.

3. The proper way of bathing your newborn. Newborn babies need not be bathed on a daily basis. Bathing them two to three times a week is enough. Bathe your baby using sponge baths. This is imperative at first. Tub bathing your baby can only be done once the baby’s umbilical cord falls off to avoid infection.

4. Maintaining your baby’s optimal skin care. Newborn babies have smooth and delicate skin. For this reason, it is necessary that you use products that are especially made for babies. But before buying any baby product, it is best to consult your pediatrician. Most babies develop rashes from time to time and this is perfectly normal. However, if your baby seems irritated by a rash or has a fever, you should immediately seek advice from your baby’s doctor.

5. When to give the baby medicine. Like anyone else, newborn babies sometimes have special needs that require attention. When giving your baby medicine, it is important that you follow the advice of your baby’s physician. You need to know how to give the right dose prescribed by the doctor. It can sometimes be advised to start the baby with a small dose to ensure there is no adverse reaction to the medication.

The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only and is not meant in any way to replace advice given by healthcare professionals.

5 Simple & Inexpensive Baby Shower Gift Ideas.

A baby shower is an exciting event for a new mom where she and the new baby are the center of attention. Even if you are not attending the baby shower (for example if you are a male family member or friend) it is still a good idea to pick up at least a small gift for the baby.

The new mom may have made a list of some general things that the baby will need, and if she has a list like this, you can check it out. However, frequently you will have to pick a gift without a list. So here are some pretty 'safe bets' as far as baby shower gifts go. I got a few of these gift ideas when I was in a Target store looking for a gift. I asked several parents who had babies with them in their shopping cart what sort of gifts would be good for a new baby and here are some of the answers that I got.

These baby gift ideas are very easy to find and very reasonable at a store like Target. For $50 you can get a whole assortment of goodies.

1. Clothing: All babies need clothing, and they grow very fast! If you have ever shopped for baby clothes you may be amazed to see that there are several different sizes of clothes needed for the baby just during the first year!

There is 0-1 month, 3 to 6 months, 6 to 9 months and on and on! Therefore, there are plenty of types of clothing that will be needed in plenty of different sizes. Just remember to keep in mind how old the baby currently is, because baby clothing sizes change rapidly, and you would not want to buy a gift that is already too small by the time you present it to the parents!

2. Teething toys: All babies 'teeth' and will need little chew toys of sorts. These may become dirty quickly and it is probably smart to replace them often, so a number of these teething toys may be useful. You might find ones with rattles or bells. Just make sure it is not big enough for a baby to swallow.

3. Stuffed animals: A cute stuffed animal may make a nice gift. The softest kind available may be liked the most for snuggly comfort. Additionally, some of these stuffed animals may have sounds built in. You may want one that makes sounds, or you may want an old fashioned one without noise. A good example is Winnie-The-Pooh or Eyeore.

4. Diapers: Parents always need diapers and they are a very practical and useful gift. Just remember to look at the sizes correctly, considering how many months old the baby is. You also might find out what type of diapers the parent prefers to use.

5. Baby books: It is great to read to young children and really helps there little minds grow. While a very young baby won't be able to understand stories yet, parents are always looking to build a nice little library of quality books to read to their children.

There you have 5 simple baby shower gift ideas! Hopefully you will be able to find a nice gift or even a shopping bag full of little gifts to bring the baby and the parents enjoyment.

5 Baby Shower Gifts That Mom Will Love

With the pregnancy bug in the water system, you are bound to know someone who is having a baby, if you aren’t having one yourself. Pregnant women equal shopping time. Here are 5 gifts that any mother will most certainly be appreciative of. The baby shower gift ideas are great for those who are shopping or for mom’s to put on their gift registry.

1. Diapers, diapers and more diapers. That is quite a bland gift but a very much needed gift. I don’t any mom who will complain about having too many diapers with a newborn at home. To make diapers snazzy you have to dress it up a bit. You can find diaper cakes in lots of gift sites. Some come with as many as 150 diapers, plus booties, bibs and tons of other essentials for baby, but all in the shape of an all so cute cake.

2. Layettes, blankets, socks and burp cloths. Chances are they are going to get tons of these. However, these gifts tend to come in newborn or 3 months sizes which after a few weeks probably won’t serve its purpose anymore. Making this a great gift is if you buy them in larger sizes. After a few months, mom still has brand new gifts for the baby to enjoy.

3. Pamper products for Mom. The last few weeks of pregnancy are very uncomfortable and can be hard on Mom. Let Mom have the star treatment as well. Once the baby is born, Mom’s 15 minutes of fame are over.

4. Savings Bonds. A savings bond is a great way to help invest in the child’s future. While everyone is thinking of now you are thinking ahead. It may also help jumpstart parents to jumpstart on baby’s future if they haven’t already.

5. Gift Certificates. You can never go wrong with a gift certificate. Mom and Dad get to choose what they want and you gave them that satisfaction. The obvious choice for a gift certificate would where the registry is set up. If they do not have a registry set up, good choices could include their favorite supermarket (formula, diapers) or baby store. Another gift certificate idea could be a check card gift certificate. It works like a credit card and can be used anywhere.

Tip: I don’t suggest buying clothing unless the parents-to-be suggested so. Chances are they have already gone shopping and couldn’t resist those tiny adorable outfits.

4 Baby Care Tidbits Every Parent Should Know!

New parents face many problems and issues that they are expected to understand and deal with immediately. Unfortunately, newborns do not come with an instruction book so here are a few topics that you may need to know about.

Bathing your baby: Until your baby’s umbilical cord falls off one to two weeks after their birth, only give her sponge baths. A cotton ball or cotton swab dampened with alcohol can help to dry the umbilical stump or follow your pediatrician’s directions. After the stump falls off, you can give him a bath in a sink or shallow tub.

Caesarian delivery: A caesarian is usually performed to make delivery safer for you or your baby. C-sections can be done for many different reasons including stalled labor, complicated labor, problems with the baby that may make delivery difficult, or other problems. It does not matter if you deliver vaginally or by a caesarian section, you are still a mother with a beautiful new blessing.

Circumcision: Many doctors agree that there may be some benefit to circumcision, but it may not be absolutely necessary. It may help to lower the risk of urinary tract infections and eliminates just about any chance of penile cancer. Circumcision does not cause long-term emotional problems for your child.

Crib death (SIDS): Many studies have been done regarding SIDS. Although the cause of SIDS has not been definitely defined, there are some correlations that have been made between SIDS and the following things:

Male babies are more likely to die from SIDS than females

Prematurity makes it more likely

Minority children are affected by it more often than non-minorities

More children of young, single mothers die from it

Children who live in a home with one or more smokers are more likely to be affected

Some people say that sleeping with your baby can reduce the risk of SIDS, but the American Academy of Pediatrics disagree with this statement and go on to say that there is a greater risk of SIDS in babies who co-sleep.

Back sleeping is what most pediatricians recommend for babies to decrease the SIDS risk. The reason for this is widely debated between health experts. If you have concerns, talk to your pediatrician.

Bathing A Newborn Baby

Do you want your baby handed to you immediately after the birth or should he be cleaned first? In recent years most babies were wiped down with a towel immediately after birth before mum or dad got a chance to hold them. Nowadays choice is the keyword! It's your decision.

Research shows that the greasy film covering your baby, vernix, is a wonderful source of moisture for your baby's delicate skin. And if you don't wipe it off, it is reabsorbed. So your baby will be less likely to develop dry skin patches. Pre-term babies have much more of this protective layer than full-term babies.

In the womb your baby is submerged in amniotic fluid, so vernix is absolutely necessary for providing waterproof protection. After birth, however, mother nature may need a helping hand!

Returning home can be daunting for new parents. Giving baby his first bath can be terrifying!

Your baby does not need a special bath although many parents are well tooled up for the new arrival. A clean sink or the big bath will suffice!

Probably the main worry for parents is getting the water temperature correct. After ensuring you have all baby's bits and bobs at hand, such as a changing mat, towel, fresh nappy, vest and clean clothes, place the baby in a safe place.

Run cold water into the bath first.

Top it up with hot water. Swirl the water around to avoid hot spots.

Dip your elbow into the water to check the temperature. It should be lukewarm. As the skin on your elbow is very sensitive it is a reliable way to test the water.

If you like you can add a little moisturising, hypoallergenic, baby bubble bath. Swirl it around with your fingers. Young babies do not need bubbles to play with!

Undress and wrap baby in a warm towel. Holding him over the bath, cup some bath water in your free hand and gently run it over his head. Shampoo is not necessary for very tiny babies as it can irritate their scalp.

Dry the baby's head thoroughly. Babies lose a lot of heat through their heads. Wet heads lose more heat.

Placing baby's neck in the crook of your elbow, and your hand holding the back of one of his legs, gently lower him into the water. (TIP If you are right-handed it is easier to place babies neck in the crook of your left elbow. Holding his left leg with your left hand, wash him with your right hand. The reverse is the case if you are left-handed.)

Some babies hate being bathed but many really enjoy it. He may become so relaxed that he falls asleep!

Cupping some water in your free hand gently trickle it over his body. Your do not need to rub or scrub as babies do not get dirty. They just need to be freshened up!

Be careful as he will get very slippery once he is wet!

Only keep baby in the bath for a short time as he will get cold quickly and never leave your baby unattended in the bath for even the shortest space of time.

Lift him out and wrap him up in his warm towel.

Quickly dry him and place a fresh nappy on him before he has any little accidents!

Finally, give him a big cuddle and dress him quickly...

And there you have it - baby's first bath!

Are You Looking for Signs of Infertility?

Trying to conceive is a difficult process for many people. The reason is that there are many factors involved in conception. You cannot tell if you or your partner is infertile unless you visit a doctor. There are a number of medical tests that your doctor can perform to detect infertility. There are also methods and products that the doctor can prescribe to help in conceiving a child.

One procedure a doctor can perform is to test the cervical mucus. Cervical mucus plays an essential role in conception, as it enables the sperm to make it all the way to the egg. The sperm are unable to do this if there is little or no cervical mucus present. Another factor involving cervical mucus is that it could be too acidic. It is necessary for the mucus to be alkaline. If it is acidic, it will kill the sperm before they reach the egg.

When a doctor checks the cervical mucus, he/she will look at the whether it is clear or curdled. If it is curdled, there is little to no chance of conception. If the mucus is clear and somewhat sticky, chances of conception are good.

Before you start to think about the possibility that you or your partner might be infertile, make sure that you have been having unprotected (natural method) sex over a number of months, or up to a year. Conception can take a long time, even for couples who have no troubles with infertility. Often, a couple may have unprotected sex for 8 or 10 months before conception takes place.

Once you have given yourselves this waiting period, if conception still has not occurred, visit your doctor for what steps you should take next. Try not to worry - focus on the many tests and procedures available to help you and your partner become parents of a beautiful baby.

Announcing Your Pregnancy

When a woman finds out that she is pregnant it becomes difficult to think of something else. This results in the woman being anxious to announce the exciting news with other people specially the partner. There has been a lot of controversy on the best time to make an announcement about pregnancy. While choosing how and when to make an announcement of pregnancy it is necessary to know the advantages and disadvantages of proper timing. Moreover one can choose creative ways to reveal the secret.

Sharing news early

If one shares the news early the main advantage is that there is a lot of support from near and dear ones. One can share ones joy with others. While making decisions a lot of people comes foreword to help the pregnant mother. A lot of time is available for advice and choose the best medical professional. There is overwhelming support in case of miscarriage.
The main disadvantage of breaking the news early is that there may be overwhelming advice. A lot of explanation needs to be done in case of miscarriage. The news of miscarriage may reach friends and other family members before even reaching the mother.

Announcement decisions

It is the decision of the mother to whom else to announce the big news apart from spouse, parents and siblings. One should be careful of whom one tells. Telling ones partner is the first brings a sense of belonging and a bond with the child. After the spouse the other people who should know are the parents. They can help in future planning, offer advice and rejoice like no other person.

Choosing the way one shares the news matters a lot. It is fun to share the good news in a more creative and memorable way. Arranging for a romantic dinner is the best way to surprise and make the news memorable. Even in case of the delicacies baby food can be served. Another way is to go out for a movie and watch a baby movie like Nine month and Junior. The good news can be written in a piece of paper and inserted in the DVD. A t-shirt with Daddy written can be provided apart from a baby keychain, baby book and other baby items.

Telling family and friends

The good news can be sent in a card with a name chosen and a sonogram. This depends on how close the friends are. Another way of showing is a photograph of the woman and the husband without showing the belly.

A Primer on Bradley vs. Lamaze Childbirth Methods

The Bradley method of childbirth was developed in the 1940's by Dr. Robert A. Bradley, an American Obstetrician. It is based on the philosophy of 'natural childbirth' (drug free) and was pioneering in the involvement of fathers during the birthing process.

The Lamaze technique was also established in the 1940's by Dr. Fernand Lamaze, a French Obstetrician. Lamaze was influenced by Soviet childbirth practices and he particularly endorsed the role of Midwives during labor. His method began to gain popularity in the USA in the late 1950's and is now the most commonly used childbirth technique.

While both the Lamaze and Bradley techniques lead to the same outcome, they differ in a variety of ways. The most significant contrast between these birthing methods is the issue of pain management and how parents confront this challenge. But what do these two methods reveal and how do they differ?

The Bradley Technique

The Bradley Method is a twelve week course that teaches parents how to control the pain of childbirth. It advocates natural childbirth philosophies and is also called 'the husband coached' birthing technique. It encourages parents to use deep breathing and relaxation exercises as a means of coping with labor.

The Bradley approach rejects the idea of 'distraction' as a way of dealing with childbirth and disputes the use of painkillers and cesarean sections unless absolutely necessary.

However, classes that focus on the Bradley technique do prepare parents for unexpected complications which may result in a cesarean section or other forms of intervention. His methods also include advice on nutrition and diet for the Mother during her pregnancy, which inevitably has a positive effect on the growth and wellbeing of the fetus. The expectant Mother is always encouraged to take reasonable and regular exercise, so that she is properly conditioned to give birth.

The Bradley Technique also educates parents about the different stages of labor and teaches them how to react to the Mother's changing body. The Father is assigned the role of 'Coach' during the birthing process, keeping the Mother focused on the task at hand, helping with breathing exercises and giving plenty of reassurance. Different forms of massage can also be used.

The Lamaze Technique

The Lamaze Technique uses a Pavlovian response to the pain of childbirth. Lamaze believed that giving birth was a physical exercise that requires both energy and concentration. His method focuses on arming the expectant couple with various tools to ease discomfort and conserve energy in order to control pain as it occurs.

The Lamaze Technique encourages the couple to use deep breathing exercises and various 'distraction' techniques, which can include concentrating on pleasant memories, as a way of distracting the woman from the pain of labor.

Lamaze childbirth classes often recommend the benefits associated with changing positions during the birth, as well as the use of hot and cold packs and 'birthing balls' to ease contractions.

The Lamaze Philosophy is not as regimented as the Bradley Method. It gives parents all the facts, yet allows the couple leverage to use the information in ways that work for them. It's more liberal approach offers a neutral position with regards to pain medication along with other medical and surgical options. This is left for the couple to decide.


There are many subtle differences and similarities between the Bradley and Lamaze birthing techniques. The primary difference is that the Bradley method instructs women to focus on controlling their pain. While according to the Lamaze technique, they are taught to distract from it. Similarities include the use of deep breathing techniques, the encouragement of appropriate exercise for the Mother during her pregnancy, and the involvement of both parents in the birthing process.

For expectant families the best option is to gather as much information as possible from either their Obstetrician or Midwife, before making a firm decision on which childbirth class to attend. It is always preferable to choose the birthing method that most appeals to each, individual couple, as it will allow them to feel in control and therefore experience the form of childbirth which best suits their needs.

A New Family Planning Alternative

Deciding when their family is the right size-or how to make sure it stays that size-is a personal decision that many women may find easier to make in the years to come. For women who have decided that they do not want any more children and feel ready for a permanent form of birth control, "getting your tubes tied," or tubal ligation, is no longer the only option.

A new office-based procedure known as the Essure procedure is quickly replacing the old operation and is covered by most insurance plans. During the procedure, a tiny, soft spring, called a micro-insert, is placed into each fallopian tube.

The body's natural response causes tissue to grow into the micro-inserts, blocking sperm from reaching the egg. This tissue growth takes about three months and additional birth control must be used during this time.
After three months, a special X-ray test verifies that the system is working. Choosing this advanced procedure offers many benefits. There are no incisions, it does not contain hormones, it can be performed in a doctor's office with minimal anesthesia and it's permanent.

The procedure takes about 15 minutes to complete and most women return to normal activities within a day or two.
More than 63,000 women worldwide have already had the procedure and clinical studies have reported high safety and patient satisfaction. After many years of clinical study, no pregnancies have been reported when the micro-insert is placed correctly. While no method of birth control is 100 percent effective, the procedure's effectiveness rate is 99.80 percent with four years of clinical data. "We finally have a technique for a woman that is comparable in simplicity, accessibility and safety to vasectomy in men," said Dr. Barbara Levy, a national expert in endoscopic surgery practicing in Seattle.

"Although the complications of surgical tubal ligation are uncommon, when they occur they may be life threatening. The rare deaths associated with tubal ligation were unacceptable in my mind."
Another advantage for busy mothers is that the procedure eliminates the time spent recovering from surgery.